Minimalism Secrets: Home and Lifestyle

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In my first blog post, I simply need to give away what it means to have an easy environment, that eases the mind and ultimately eases daily Life. The art of minimalism brought me a refreshing perspective on living a more intentional life. Contrary to what a lot of people think, Minimalism is not just a design aesthetic; it’s a lifestyle choice that encourages simplicity, mindfulness, and a focus on what truly matters. In this blog post, I want to share with you some practical principles to act upon Minimalism.

Clear Your Space:

Minimalism starts with decluttering your physical space. This will have the most impact on your home energy and peace. Take a critical look at your home and identify items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy, resell or donate them. Free your space and you’ll free your mind.

Mindful Consumption:

This is not deprivation; it’s about being intentional with your choices. Before making a purchase, especially if it’s a significant one, ask yourself if the item is truly necessary and adds value to your life. I always use the 7 days method before any important purchase.

Prioritize what really matters:

This one is a game changer, especially if you are in your twenties or thirties. Minimalism encourages us to focus on experiences rather than accumulating possessions. Instead of spending money on material things, invest in activities that bring you joy and meaning and create lasting memories.

Now let’s get even more practical, and apply minimalism in your home:

1.Functional Design:

When it comes to designing your living space, opt for functional and versatile furniture. There is no need for 4 tables and 12 chairs if you are a family of two. Choose pieces that serve multiple purposes and complement the overall aesthetic of simplicity and elegant taste. This not only reduces visual clutter but also enhances the functionality of your home.

2.Neutral Color Palette:

Embrace a neutral color palette for your home decor. Whites, grays, and earth tones create a calm and cohesive atmosphere, especially in bedrooms and bathrooms. A minimalist home is not devoid of color, but rather uses it thoughtfully to accentuate key elements and maintain a sense of harmony.

3.Quality Over Quantity:

This is a non negotiable! Invest in high-quality, timeless pieces rather than falling to the allure of trends. Quality items may have a higher cost, but they often outlast their cheaper match, which makes your home more sustainable in the long run..

4.Empty Spaces Have Value:

This one is a bit tricky but do not be afraid of empty spaces. Minimalism is about simplicity, and allowing walls or spots in your home to be empty, that can bring a surprising sense of tranquility. It also gives room for the eye to rest and appreciate the beauty of the essential elements in your space.

Now you must know that Minimalism cannot be achieved quickly, at the end of the day it is a state of mind, and a way of living. In my personal experience, it took me at least six months to accept the decluttering part! Therefore, take it slow, baby steps…and you will start to see how clear your thoughts become, and how your perspective shifts and becomes more open. 

I will leave you the best books that helped through this transformation and into adopting Minimalism below.

The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify by Francine Jay

Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life by Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism by Fumio Sasaki